If you spot one of these unwelcome guests, it’s important to act quickly to keep your home roach-free. Here’s a practical guide on what to do next.
Rodents can be a nuisance for homeowners, especially in the Midwestern states of Missouri and Illinois, where fluctuating temperatures and changing seasons create perfect conditions for these pests to seek shelter indoors. Understanding what attracts rodents to your home is essential in taking the right steps to prevent infestations.
When wood in your home decays, termites are often the first thought that comes to mind. Termites can cause severe damage to wood in homes since they feed on timber in order to survive.
There are more than 700 species of ants in North America, but Missouri has 150 different kinds of them, including the two species you’re most likely to see in your kitchen or bathroom: the odorous house ant and the acrobat ant.
As it turns out, yes, raccoons do carry disease. Here is what you need to know.
Bug bites are something that all of us have to deal with at one time or another. They range from annoying mosquito bites to more serious venomous insect bites. They come in different degrees of itching, swelling and side effects—both short-term and long-term.
Movies love referencing possums who pretend to be dead, “playing possum,” and it is true. Opossums are known for pretending to be dead to escape predators. Even if you mean no harm, humans are larger and therefore present a threat to smaller creatures.